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Separated by coma

Plant & environmental sciences department

4 research units

102 professors and researchers

6 900m² of greenhouses and cultivation rooms

Research topics

  • Sustainable management of plant health
  • Seed biology, quality and health
  • Quality of specialized crop production
  • Benthic and planctonic fossilizable micro-organisms

Research units

  • IRHS | Research Institute for Horticulture and Seeds | Inrae, Institut Agrocampus, University of Angers
  • Sifcir | Functional signalling of ion channels and receivers | University of Angers, Inrae
  • Sonas | Substances of natural origin and structural analogues | University of Angers
  • LPG-Biaf | Laboratory for the study of current and fossil bioindicators | University of Angers, CNRS, University of Nantes
  • BiodivAG | Biodiversity in the Anthropocene: dynamics, function, and management | University of Angers

Quasav, the Federative Research Structure (FRS)

The Quasav Federative Research Structure, set up in 2008, now gathers the majority of the plant research forces in the French region of the Pays de la Loire. Its scientific aims are the study and control of characteristics and processes that contribute to plant health and quality with a view to sustainable development.

3 shared technical facilities

  • Anan: nucleic acid analysis
  • Imac: cellular imaging
  • Comic: collection of microorganisms

3 technological hubs


  • Geves | Group for the study and control of varieties and seeds
  • Végépolys, global competitiveness cluster


International desk

Reception of foreign researchers
chercheursetrangers @


The Reasearch Galaxy of Ua
The Reasearch Galaxy of Ua

Download the University of Angers "Overview of research"
