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Literature, languages, humanities & social sciences departement

9 research units

300 professors & researchers

300 PhD students

Research topics

  • Heritage, writing and cultures
  • Social change: gender, youth, discrimination, inequalities
  • Plant cultures and environment
  • Innovations, risks, cooperation
  • Tourism, development, local areas
  • Health, well-being, age and living environment

Research units

  • 3L.AM | Languages, literature, linguistics of the universities of Angers and Le Mans
  • Bepsylab | Well-being and subjectification process | University of Angers, University of Nantes
  • Centre Jean Bodin | legal and political research | University of Angers
  • Cirpall | Interdisciplinary research centre on heritage in literature and languages | University of Angers
  • Eso | ESpace and society | University of Angers, University of Nantes, Le Mans University, Rennes 2 University, Caen Normandie University, CNRS
  • Granem | Angers Research Group in Economics and Management | University of Angers
  • LETG Angers | Coastline, environment, remote sensing, geomatics | University of Angers, CNRS
  • LPPL | Psychology Laboratory of Pays de la Loire | University of Angers, University of Nantes
  • Temos | Times, worlds, societies | University of Angers, University of South Brittany, Le Mans University, CNRS

Research programs

  • Panorisk | Investing, insurance and new risks | 2017-2022
  • Scaena | Cultural stages atmospheres and urban transformations | 2019-2021

Confluences Federative Research Structure (FRS)

Confluences FRS brings together the research units of the University of Angers in literature, languages, humanities and social sciences around joint scientific projects. Confluences is very much committed to the scientific dynamics of the region as a decentralized structure of the Maison des sciences de l’homme Ange Guépin, housed in the Maison de la recherche Germaine Tillion. Several of its laboratories are multi-sited. Confluences also contributes to several regional Research, Training, Innovation programs: Angers TourismLab, Alliance Europa, Ouest Industries Créatives.


International desk

Reception of foreign researchers
chercheursetrangers @


The Reasearch Galaxy of Ua
The Reasearch Galaxy of Ua

Download the University of Angers "Overview of research"
