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Separated by coma

Woman, Life, Freedom In support of Iranian women and men

Throughout November, to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the University of Angers is hosting several events to honour the lives of women and men in Iran.

Exhibition"Femme, Vie, Liberté" (Woman, Life, Freedom)

From 06 November to 30 November at the Qu4tre.

The story behind the exhibition

On 16 September 2022, Mahsa Amini, a young Kurdish woman aged 22, tragically lost her life because she was not wearing her headscarf correctly. Her death at the hands of the Iranian morality police, triggered a protest movement throughout the country and internationally. Iranians have been fighting for more than a year for greater freedom and for an end to compulsory veiling. Numerous protests have taken place against the law introduced following the Islamic Revolution of 1979.  However, such protests are not without risk for those who take part, as the Iranian regime responds with violence, sometimes using torture and imposing harsh sentences on those arrested. Nevertheless, Iranians continue to fight.

Yet history repeats itself. On 1 October 2023, 17-year-old Armita Geravand was attacked in the metro because she was not wearing a headscarf. After four weeks in a coma, she sadly passed away on 28 October 2023.

In March 2022, four institutions united their posters to support Iranian women and men, thus creating a royalty-free exhibition. The Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, the Palais de Tokyo, Les Beaux-Arts de Paris and the Palais de la Porte Dorée are presenting 100 posters created by Iranian and international artists. 

Throughout November, to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Qu4tre at the University of Angers invites you to discover these posters and express your support for the Iranian people.

Find out more about the participating artists on the Instagram account @iranianwomenofgraphicdesign.

Film-debate "La Permission" (The Permission) by Soheil Beiraghi

November 23, 2023 de 19:30 à 22:30

Please note: The film will be followed by a discussion with the audience, led by researchers.

Film synopsis:

Based on a true story.

Afrooz is the captain of the Iranian women's futsal team. After 11 years of hard work, her dream has come true: Iran is in the final of the Asian Cup of Nations.

But just as she was about to embark for Malaysia, she learned that her husband had forbidden her to leave the country. In Iran, a woman needs her husband's permission to travel.

Afrooz has to do everything she can to convince her husband to let her go...

Photo-conference "Iran, visages d'une jeunesse plurielle" (Iran, faces of a plural youth)

November 20, 2023 de 18:30 à 20:00

The situation of women in Iran is sadly still highly topical, but it is not the only side of this country and its young people. Discover the diversity of Iran's youth in this original format.

Through this unique visual narrative, the audience will discover life stories set in a social, political and cultural context.

The photographs will be accompanied by first-hand accounts gathered by the photographer as well as analyses produced by the sociologist drawing on her expertise and research into the Iranian society.

At the junction between aesthetic, anecdotal and sociological perspectives, we will contextualise the images to enable the general public to understand the complexity of a society that is in a state of transition.


  • Gwenvaël Engel, photographer
  • Hanieh Ziaei, sociologist, Iranologist

Event organised by the Pôle EnJeux.
