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Learning French with the CeLFE

The French Language Centre for Foreigners (CeLFE) was established in 2007 at the University of Angers and became part of the International Office in 2013. It welcomes international students and researchers who wish to learn French, improve their French language skills, or validate their level with a diploma.

The missions of the CeLFE include training, accompanying and certifying foreign students. Every year, about a hundred students enrol to discover the language of Molière; Some are part of exchange programmes (Erasmus+, Isep, etc.) while others follow an intensive course according to their French proficiency level (A1 to C1), in order to obtain the University Diploma of French Studies (DUEF). "The language, phonetics, written and oral production courses represent 200 hours per semester," explains Julie Fouchet, educational manager at the CeLFE. They also learn about the methodology to better understand and use university tools such as note-taking, preparing a presentation or writing a report. "

Alongside the courses, the CeLFE promotes the social, academic and professional integration of students by helping and directing them to certain UA services, such as the SUIO-IP, the Sumpps, the Suaps, etc. They also organise cultural visits to deepen the students' understanding of French culture. The students at the CeLFE also have the opportunity to speak about their country and their background at local primary schools.

Iman Asgari, 27, is a third-year tourism student at Esthua. He enrolled at the CeLFE in 2017. "When I was in Iran, I saw that the University of Angers offered studies in tourism. So for a year, I learned the French language and its culture. In the first semester, I followed the B1 level course and then the B2 in the second. The teaching methods are not the same in France and in Iran, so I had some difficulties at the beginning. And between the conjugations of verbs and the gender differences between words, it wasn't easy. At the CeLFE, we had classes in oral and written comprehension, history, geography, and politics. There were also group workshops in theatre and song. It was an enjoyable way to practice the French language. The Celfe teachers were there to accompany and support us on a daily basis. We were also able to visit the castles of Angers and Tours, as well as Leonardo da Vinci's last home at Clos-Lucé. It was an interesting experience. Next year, I plan to take a Master's degree in management because in the future, I would like to stay in France to work as a manager in a hotel."

Learn more

For more information, visit the CeLFE webpage

Key figures


is the number of registered applicants for the Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) at B2 level in 2021.
