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Award of the HRS4R label: “A recognition of the strategy undertaken”

Since 4 December 2020, the University of Angers has been awarded the HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Teachers) Label issued by Euraxess, a body linked to the European Commission and designed to facilitate the mobility of researchers in Europe. Eric Delabaere, Vice-President of Human Resources Policy and Social Dialogue at the UA, takes stock of this progress, which aims to improve the quality of researcher recruitment and guidance.

What does the HSR4R labelling change for the University of Angers?

Eric Delabaere : "As a result of a participatory process of our university community, this labelling is a recognition of the HR strategy already committed by our university in the field of research. This is a logical continuation of the process initiated in 2007 when the UA signed the European Charter for Researchers. This commits us to respecting a methodology and a quality approach to the recruitment and reception of researchers and to defining an evolutionary path for the years to come. It also allows us to join the network of 33 French higher education and research institutions that have earned this label. Across Europe, 564 institutions have this label. The UA is thus strengthening its already significant European and international attractiveness thanks to this labelling. Open competitive positions will now be posted on the Euraxess website."

The HRS4R label could also allow UA researchers to continue to benefit from European subsidies...

E.D : "For the moment, having earned the HRS4R label does not affect access to funding from European calls for projects. However, developments are expected in the years to come. Thus, thanks to the label, we guarantee that our researchers can continue to access European funding."

How will the HRS4R label change the human resources strategy of the UA ?

E.D : "This will in particular make it possible to improve recruitment for competitive positions - lecturers and professors, engineers - especially in terms of equal opportunities. To ensure equal treatment, training for selection boards and committees will be organised. The use of role-playing in relation to teaching and research activities will also be developed, in line with international standards. I would like to point out that this quality approach is also aimed at the recruitment of contract researchers, where margins for improvement have been identified."

You were also talking about the hosting of researchers...

E.D : "The integration and support of new recruits is part of the HRS4R label. At the UA we are ahead of the game in this respect with specific measures to facilitate the taking up of the position: peer guidance, release from duty for one year, renewable once. The objective is to go further in the development of career paths, mobility and training. The issue of promotion and payment for contract researchers is also part of the roadmap associated with this European label and we will work on it with staff representatives."

Is the HRS4R label granted permanently?

E.D : "No. The label defines a path that the university undertakes to follow. Its operation is similar to accreditation processes. There is going to be a first assessment within 2 years to analyse what has been implemented. If some items have not been developed by our services in comparison to what was planned, the university will have to explain and justify its choices. A further assessment will be carried out after a period of 5 years with an on-site visit in 2025 by EU assessors."
