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- >A Collective Project
HRS4R: a Collective Project
How it Works
HRS4R is a global project that must involve each and every one. The working groups that supported the labelling project continue to operate and carry out the various actions undertaken.
- A project group, dealing with the implementation of the actions agreed upon, and making proposals for their adjustment.
- The Copil (Steering Committee), in charge of the strategic management of the actions: respect of the guidelines and the schedule.
- The TC (Technical Committee) and the BoD (Board of Directors) which approve the choices and grant resources.
- Action groups are formed for each of them.
Depending on the actions to be taken, specific working groups are set up. A member of the Copil is responsible for the action group and therefore for each action to be carried out. It involves the project group according to the necessary skills, and volunteer teacher researchers and administrators. It relies on the departments of the University of Angers present in the project group and their units integrated into each action group.
The procedure is based on a six-monthly period. Between these periods, depending on the current status of the HRS4R achievements, the groups may meet according to the needs of the project.
The UA's strategy is to focus as a priority on fundamental and foundational actions for the HRS4R process in each of these areas.
The initial actions are prompted by a dual concern:
- Acting on questions of ethics and recruiting conditions, a matter on which there is most room for improvement; better recruiting is indeed the cornerstone of an important influence and a qualitatively stronger UA.
- Addressing equality issues in all areas (gender, disability, etc.) and the implications for hiring, career and working conditions.
Initial actions taken
Some major actions were carried out in the course of 2020, in anticipation of the labelling - especially the creation of an equality officer and a professional ethics committee.
Know more about it
How will COPIL regularly monitor the progress of the project?
Half-yearly assessment with the project group (items set up, collection of opinions, first results, corrective measures, etc.), + intermediate meetings as required.
How will you involve the academic community and your main partners?
Each action will be carried out by a group mixing skills. The challenge is to combine research, teaching and administrative staff in order to confront very different views and insights of the university system. The roll-out of the actions will also be presented to the university's representative bodies: the Board of Directors (BoD), Technical Committee (TC) and the Academic Council (AC).
The BoD is the central management and decision-making body of the university for all its strategic, administrative and financial decisions. It is composed of 40 members, including representatives of the various fields of research: 8 Pr and 7 Senior lecturers+ 3 research staff, i.e. 1 Research associate (IGR), 1 Research Engineer (IGE) and 1 Technician. In addition, other administrative staff and student representatives who are not doctoral students are also involved. The TC is primarily concerned with working conditions within the institution. It is composed of 20 members including 4 MCFs+ 4 research staff, i.e. 2 ENGs, 1 ASE (assistant engineer), 1 Technician. This composition makes it possible to mobilise all staff, whatever their status.
How will you ensure that the proposed actions will be carried out?
COPIL includes several key Vice-Presidents. This strong political involvement, combined with the presence of the institution's senior management, is intended not only to give impetus but also to ensure that actions are actually carried out. In practical terms, COPIL will be in charge of each action group and will therefore be in a position to ensure its implementation.
How will you control the process?
The achievement criteria will be milestones in the process. They will be presented annually to the governance bodies.
How will you assess the evolution for the next evaluation?
The role of COPIL, with the assistance of the Directorate for Prospective and Studies, is to establish a scoreboard based on the actions carried out,which should serve both for monitoring and evaluating the progress made.