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Journée d'études : The Making of Trumpism

Journée d'études en anglais organisée par Gelareh Yvard-Djahansouz du CIRPaLL.

Bryant Simon de la Temple University sera présent pour faire le discours d'ouverture.

Le vendredi 8 mars de 9h à 16h30
À la Maison de la Recherche Germaine Tillion
Entrée libre, gratuit


9h00 Greetings and coffee

9h30-10h30: Keynote speaker: Bryant Simon, Temple University, US: "Trumpism and Making Breadwinners Great Again"

Session 1: The Making of the Trump Electorate

Chair: Gelareh Yvard

10h30-11h00: Yohann Lemoigne: "The 'Obama Moment', a Threat to Poor Whites' Group Position? Understanding Trump's Election through the Lens of a Crucial Electoral Block"

11h00-11h30: Christian Pihet : "MAGA, construction d'une majorité loquace durable? aspects géopolitiques"

11h30-12h00: Laetitia Langlois: "The Common Roots of Brexit and Trumpism: Fear, Anger and Populism"Lunch

Session 2: The Legacy of ConservatismChair: Taina Tuhkunen

14h00-14h30: Gelareh Yvard: "The Making of Trump's Environmental Policy"

14h30-15h00: Clifford Baverel: "The Use of Alt-Right Flags in the Trump Era"

15h00-15h30: Jean-Michel Yvard: "Trumpism and the Religious Right"

15h30-16h00: Taina Tuhkunen: “The Filmic Construction of Donald Trump : an Equivocal Artistic Deal?” 

