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- Départements d'Enseignement SCIENCES - DEP ENS SCIENCES Chimie
Chimie - UMR CNRS - MOLTECH ANJOU - 2 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
- Structure Fédérative de Recherche Matériaux : SFR MATRIX
- Structure Fédérative de Recherche Matériaux : SFR MATRIX - Moltech ANJOU
- 0241735093
- 2 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
- K117
- Courriel : olivier.segut @ univ-angers.fr
Afficher UFR de Sciences sur une carte plus grande
Electronique organique - solaire organique
- Equilibres acido-basiques (L1 PC)
- Equilibres précipitation-complexation (L1 PC)
- Analyse et dosages (L1 PC)
- Mathématiques pour la Physique-Chimie (L2 PC - CMI)
- Thermochimie (L2 PC)
- Thermodynamique chimique (L3 SPC)
- Cinétique Chimique et Réacteurs (M1-SIE)
Responsabilités administratives:
- Responsable du tutorat d'accompagnement pour les L1 MPCIE
- Membre de la commission de validation des acquis
- Responsable pédagogique du L2 PC
15 Publications Scientifiques.
h-Index = 13 ; i10-Index = 14. Source : Google Scholar.
[15] N. Ibrahim, C. Moussallem, M. Allain, O. Segut, F. Gohier, P. Frère, Exploring the Electronic Properties of Extended Benzofuran‐Cyanovinyl Derivatives Obtained from Lignocellulosic and Carbohydrate Platforms Raw Materials, ChemPlusChem 86 (3) (2021), 475-482.
[14] C Dalinot, G Szalóki, C Dindault, O Segut, L Sanguinet, P Leriche, Spirobifluorene based small push-pull molecules for organic photovoltaic applications, Dyes and Pigments 140 (2017), 62-69.
[13] B. Lakard, S. Carquigny, O. Segut, T. Patois, S. Lakard, Gas Sensors Based on Electrodeposited Polymers, Metals 5, no. 3 (2015) 1371–86.
[12] X. Lefevre, F. Moggia, O. Segut, Y.-P. Lin, Y. Ksari, Delafosse, Gregory, Smaali, Kacem, Guerin, David, Derycke, Vincent, Vuillaume, Dominique, S. Lenfant, L. Patrone, B. Jousselme, Influence of Molecular Organization on the Electrical Characteristics of π-Conjugated Self-Assembled Monolayers, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015) 5703-5713.
[11] V. Jeux, O. Segut, D. Demeter, O. Alévêque, P. Leriche, J. Roncali, Push–Pull Triphenylamine Chromophore Syntheses and Optoelectronic Characterizations, ChemPlusChem (2015) online.
[10] F. Baert, C. Cabanetos, A. Leliege, E. Kirchner, O. Segut, O. Aleveque, M. Allain, G. Seo, S. Jung, D. Tondelier, B. Geffroy, J. Roncali, P. Leriche, P. Blanchard, A bridged low band gap A-D-A quaterthiophene as efficient donor for organic solar cells, J. Mat. Chem. C 3 (2015) 390-398.
[9] V. Jeux, O. Segut, D. Demeter, T. Rousseau, M. Allain, C. Dalinot, L. Sanguinet, P. Leriche, J. Roncali, One Step Synthesis of D-A-D Chromophores as Active Materials for Organic Solar Cells by Basic Condensation, Dyes and Pigments 113 (2015) 402–408.
[8] C. Moussalem, O. Segut, F. Gohier, M. Allain, P. Frère, Facile Access via Green Procedures to a Material with the Benzodifuran Moiety for Organic Photovoltaics, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2 (2014) 1043–1048.
[7] T. Patois, J.-B. Sanchez, F. Berger, P. Fievet, O. Segut, V. Moutarlier, et al., Elaboration of ammonia gas sensors based on electrodeposited polypyrrole - cobalt phthalocyanine hybrid films, Talanta. 117 (2013) 45–54.
[6] X. Lefèvre, O. Segut, P. Jégou, S. Palacin, B. Jousselme, Towards organic film passivation of germanium wafers using diazonium salts: Mechanism and ambient stability, Chem. Sci. 3 (2012) 1662.
[5] O. Segut, G. Herlem, B. Lakard, V. Blondeau-Patissier, M. Nardin, S. Gree, et al., Electrochemically deposited polyethyleneimine films and their characterization, Synth. Met. 160 (2010) 1359–1364.
[4] S. Carquigny, O. Segut, B. Lakard, F. Lallemand, P. Fievet, Effect of electrolyte solvent on the morphology of polypyrrole films: Application to the use of polypyrrole in pH sensors, Synth. Met. 158 (2008) 453–461.
[3] G. Herlem, O. Segut, A. Antoniou, C. Achilleos, D. Dupont, V. Blondeaupatissier, et al., Electrodeposition and characterization of silane thin films from 3- ( aminopropyl ) triethoxysilane, Surf. Coatings Technol. 202 (2008) 1437–1442.
[2] O. Segut, B. Lakard, G. Herlem, J.-Y. Rauch, J.-C. Jeannot, L. Robert, et al., Development of miniaturized pH biosensors based on electrosynthesized polymer films, Anal. Chim. Acta. 597 (2007) 313–321.
[1] B. Lakard, O. Segut, S. Lakard, G. Herlem, T. Gharbi, Potentiometric miniaturized pH sensors based on polypyrrole films, Sensors Actuators B Chem. 122 (2007) 101–108.