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Michelle RyanAnglais / Anglais

    • UFR Lettres Langues et Sciences Humaines - LLSH
    • Départements d'Enseignement LLSH - DEP ENS LLSH Etudes Anglophones
    • MRGT 214
    • 11 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
    • Anglais
    • MRGT 214
    • MRGT 214

    Afficher UFR de Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines sur une carte plus grande
    • Struct. Fédérative de Rech. pluridisciplinaires en Lettres, Langues et Scces Hum. : SFR Confluences
    • Struct. Fédérative de Rech. pluridisciplinaires en Lettres, Langues et Scces Hum. : SFR Confluences - Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Patrimoines en Lettres et Langues : Cirpall
    • MRGT 214
    • 5 B Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
    • Directrice du ENSFR (European Nework for the Study of Short Fiction)
    • MRGT 214


    Littérature Anglaise Contemporaine / Contemporary British Literature/Short Story/Creative Writing

    Thèmes de recherche

    (English Version Below)


    Maîtresse de Conférences (Littérature Britannique du XXeme siècle), département d’anglais, UFR Lettres, Langues et Sciences humaines, Université d’Angers.

    Thèmes de Recherches 

    La nouvelle en langue anglaise (notamment la fiction des auteurs suivants : Angela Carter, Rikki Ducornet, Ali Smith, Helen Simpson et Sarah Hall), la littérature britannique contemporaine, la théorie de la lecture, la théorie de l’auteur, l’identité sexuelle/sexuée, le féminisme, le conte de fées, la littérature enfantine, écriture créative et recherche création

    Michelle Ryan est actuellement Directrice du ENSFR (European Nework for the Study of Short Fiction): Elle est l'ancienne rédactrice de Journal of the Short Story in English.


    Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, English Department, Université d’Angers

    Research interests

    Short fiction, contemporary British fiction (particularly the fiction of the following authors: Angela Carter, Rikki Ducornet, Ali Smith, Helen Simpson and Sarah Hall), short story studies, reading pragmatics, author studies, gender, feminism, the fairy tale, children’s literature, creative writing and research creation

    Michelle Ryan is currently Director of the European Network for Short Fiction Research (ENSFR): She is the former editor of Journal of the Short Story in English


    Fiction/Creative Nonfiction:

    "I am a Tree" (2nd prize-2022 Lucent Dreaming Magazine contest), published in Hope is the Thing (Lucent Dreaming Ltd., 2023) 

    "My Body, My Self: A Bathtub Meditation," Hope is the Thing (Lucent Dreaming Ltd., 2023)

    "Time," Confingo Magazine, 2024


    Research Creation Publications:

    “‘(P)ink’: A Research-Creation Approach to Autopathography,” Polysèmes: Revues d’études intertextuelles et intermédiales (30: 2023) (Open Edition)

    “Angela Carter, Rikki Ducornet and the Politics of Vulnerability: A Research-Creation Essay,” in Angela Carter's Futures: Representations, Adaptations and Legacies. Edited by Anna Watz and Sarah Gamble, Bloomsbury.  (forthcoming/à paraitre 2025)


    Academic Publications:

    “Translational play with the Shakespearean Utterance in Angela Carter’s ‘Overture and Incidental Music for A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’” Angela Carter in Translation, Routledge, Ed. Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère (forthcoming 2025)

    “Rikki Ducornet”. The Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Fiction 1980-2020. Ed. Patrick O'Donnell, Stephen Burn and Lesley Larkin. Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.

    “Rikki Ducornet,” The International Encyclopedia of Surrealism, Ed. Michael Richardson, Dawn Ades et al. (Bloomsbury 2019). pp. 249-251.

    “Intermedial Synergy in Angela Carter’s Short Fiction,” The Arts of Angela Carter: A Multidisciplinary Kaleidoscope, Ed. Marie Mulvey-Roberts, Manchester University Press 2019. pp. 17-38.

    “The Linguistic Punctum in Rikki Ducornet’s The Complete Butcher’s Tales (1994) and The One Marvelous Thing (2008),” dans The Fairy Tale Vanguard. Ed. Stijn Praet et Anna Kérchy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019. pp. 213-228.

    “The Legacy of Angela Carter: Ethics and Authorial Performance in Contemporary Short Fiction by Women,” dans Gender and Short Fiction: Women’s Tales in Contemporary Britain, Ed. Jorge Sacido-Romero and Laura Mª Lojo-Rodríguez, Routledge 2018. pp. 41-62.

    “Disaggregative Character Identity and the Politics of Aesthetic In-betweenness in Angela Carter’s Short Narratives,” British Women Short Story Writers: New Woman to Now. Edinburgh University Press, 2015. Ed. James Bailey et Emma Young. pp. 96-113.

    “Rikki Ducornet’s The Stain (1984): A Celebration of the Golden Hare.” Verbivoracious Festschrift Volume Three, Great Britain and Singapore: Verbivoracious Press, 2015. 119-120.

    The Jade Cabinet: Rikki Ducornet’s Cabinet de Curiosités and the Ethics of Reading.” Verbivoracious Festschrift on Rikki Ducornet. 2015. pp. 86-104.

    Review of Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochere's Reading, Translating, Rewriting: Angela Carter’s Translational Poetics, Marvel and Tales, Cont (forthcoming/ à paraitre)

    "From Decadence to Dust: A Review Essay," Contemporary Women's Writing 9.1. 2015. (Essay Review of Maggie Tonkin’s Angela Carter and Decadence: Critical Fictions / Fictional Critiques (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012) and Rebecca Munford’s Decadent Daughters and Monstrous Mothers: Angela Carter and the European Gothic, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013)

    “'Am I that Name?”': Authorial Identity in Writing by Contemporary British Women Authors” Ebc 2014.

    “Developments in Short Fiction Research,” Ebc 2014

    “Whimsical Transparency and Pronominal Postures in Ali Smith’s The First Person and Other Stories.” Etudes Britanniques Contemporaines. juin 2013, 44.

     “Affect and Authorial Performance in Angela Carter’s ‘Feminist’ Fiction” Identity and Form in Contemporary Literature. Ed. Ana Maria Sanchez. Routledge 2013.

     “Political Alchemy and Games with the Reader in Angela Carter’s ‘Alice in Prague or The Curious Room,’” Angela Carter: New Critical Readings. Ed.  Sonya Andermahr et Lawrence Phillips. London: Continuum Press, 2012. 67-80

     “Angela Carter as Fiction: Refiguring the Real Author as Performative Author.” Short Story in Theory and Practice/Journal of the Short Story in English (co-edited), 2012.

     “The Intermedial Trajectories of Angela Carter’s Wolf Tales,” Journal of the Short Story in English. Autumn 2012.

      “Intermediality and Subversive Wonder in Rikki Ducornet’s Anti-Tales.” Antitales: The Uses of Disenchantment, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.

     “Intermediality and Image/Text Dynamics in Rikki Ducornet’s The One Marvelous Thing,Contemporary Interpretations of Fairy Tales and Fantasies, Ed. Anna Kerchy. Edwin Mellen Press. 2011.

     “Authorial Ghosts and Maternal Identity in Angela Carter’s ‘Ashputtle or the Mother’s Ghost: Three Versions of One Story.’” Marvels and Tales vol. 25, no. 1 (spring 2011).

     “Intermediality and the Cinematographic Image in Angela Carter’s ‘John Ford’s ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore.’” Journal of the Short Story in English. Spring 2011.

    “Revisiting the Intentional Fallacy as a Political Mechanism in Angela Carter’s ‘The Loves of Lady Purple.’” JSSE Autumn2010.

     “Pulling the strings of the reader in Angela Carter’s ‘The Cabinet of Edgar Allan Poe’” JSSE, Spring 2009.

      “Behind the Scenes of Sexual/Textual Politics in Angela Carter’s ‘Overture and Incidental Music for A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’” JSSE Autumn 2008.

      “Autobiographical Estrangement in Angela Carter's ‘A Souvenir of Japan,’ ‘The Smile of Winter’ and ‘Flesh and the Mirror.’” Etudes britanniques contemporaines. 32. June 2007.

      “The Apocalypse of Gender in Angela Carter's The Passion of New Eve,” Etudes britanniques contemporaines. (26), June 2004.

     “Flickering Wor(l)ds: The Quest for Identity in Angela Carter's ‘The Merchant of Shadows,’” La nouvelle anglo-saxonne contemporaine. Poitiers: Presses de la Licorne, 2003.

     “The Laughing Monster: Fantastic Spectacles and Magical Games in Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus,” Etudes britanniques contemporaines. 23. Décembre 2002.  55-70.

     Métatextualité et Métafiction: Théorie et Analyses, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2002. :Chapitres théoriques: “La métafiction postmoderne,” “La métafiction dans les nouvelles d'Angela Carter, Article: “Carnaval et réflexion métatextuelle dans ‘In Pantoland’ d’Angela Carter”

  • Courriel : michelle.ryan-sautour @
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