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Daniel Pouliquen
- 28 rue Roger Amsler - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
- 0241352854
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- Courriel : daniel.pouliquen @ univ-angers.fr
Afficher UFR de Médecine sur une carte plus grande
Thèmes de recherche
Biomarqueurs des cancers invasifs (analyses protéomiques),
Mésothéliome malin, biologie et modèles expérimentaux,
Molécules naturelles anticancéreuses issues de plantes et leurs dérivés synthétiques = Curcuminoïdes.
Daniel Loïc Pouliquen, born in Lorient, Brittany, France on March 17, 1960, obtained his Pharmacist degree together with a specialized degree (CES) in Clinical Biochemistry in Rennes, France, in 1984. After a Ph.D in Biological Sciences and Health at Rennes I University in 1988, he developed the characterization and applications of new NMR contrast agents for proton MRI, and taught Biophysics as an assistant professor in the department of Biophysics, School of Medicine in Angers, France. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Radiology of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA (Pr D. D. Stark), he became staff researcher (CR1) of the French National Institute of Health (Inserm) in December 1991, and pursued his researches in Angers on the design and applications of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO) in MRI. From 1995 to 2001, he extended the scope of NMR relaxometry to the study of water states and dynamic properties in normal and tumor tissues, organisms under development (seeds, fish eggs and embryos), and biological fluids. These studies led to demonstrate some implications of the diet in changes in the biophysics of water in tissues during carcinogenesis. With this background, he further explored the quantitative and qualitative changes of the different water phases in mitochondria and pointed to some beneficial effects of combinations of phytochemicals in the prevention of some experimental models of cancers in mice and rats (myeloma, glioblastoma) in Angers (Inserm EMI00/18) and then in Nantes (Inserm U419 and UMR 601) (2001 to 2008). From 2008 to 2018, he established a biocollection of preneoplastic and neoplastic cell lines and experimental models of malignant mesothelioma (MM) for basic research on the biology of this aggressive cancer and evaluation of new strategies of treatment (Inserm UMR 892 and UMR 1232 (team 4, CRCINA, Nantes)). Since 2019, he works on the identification of new biomarkers of cancer invasiveness by quantitative proteomics (SWATH-MS), using cell lines, experimental MM tumors and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections of tumors from patients (team 3, CRCI2NA, ICO Cancer Center, Angers).
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