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Maria Pia NardelliGeologie - LPG / Geologie - LPG

    • Départements d'Enseignement SCIENCES - DEP ENS SCIENCES Géologie
      Géologie - LPG
    • 2 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
    • Géologie - LPG

    Afficher UFR de Sciences sur une carte plus grande
    • Structure Fédérative de Recherche Végétal : SFR QUASAV
    • Structure Fédérative de Recherche Végétal : SFR QUASAV - Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences - LPG
      Géologie - LPG
    • C'201
    • 2 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
    • C'201



    Thèmes de recherche

    • Ecology of living benthic foraminifera in coastal marine environments and open ocean (Arctic fjords, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea)
    • Arctic sea-ice variability and historical records through the study of foraminiferal proxies
    • Calibration of paleoceanographic proxies
    • Ecological responses of benthic faunas to physical and chemical stress (cascading, brines, human activity)
    • Bio-indication and biomonitoring of coastal marine environments


    September 2014- present: Assistant Professor (Maître de Conférence) at University of Angers, Department of Geology

    January-August 2014: Post-doctoral fellowship at UMR 6112 LPG-BIAF

    • Subject: Bioturbation and foraminiferal microhabitats

     March 2012-December 2013: Post-doctoral fellowship at UMR6112 LPG-BIAF (Funded by Pays de Loire region and Swedish Research Council)

    • Subject: Experimental ecology of benthic foraminifera under anoxic conditions

     January 2009-February 2012: PhD student at Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy)

    • Subject: Response of benthic foraminifera to pollution through experimental and in situ studies: advances in biological aspects and tools for future applications in biomonitoring
    • Supervisor: Prof. Alessandra Negri 
  • Courriel : mariapia.nardelli @
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