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- >gwenaelle.brianddecre
Gwenaelle Briand-DecreSciences de gestion
- UFR de Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines
- LEA (Langue étrangère appliquée) - Enseignants et Chercheurs
0241226479 - 11 Boulevard Lavoisier - - 49045 - ANGERS Cedex 01
- Sciences de gestion
- A 222
- Head of Master's Degree International negociation and international business
A221 - the Faculty of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences- 11 bd Lavoisier, 49 045 Angers Cedex 01
- Sensory Marketing
- Consumer behavior
- Virtual environment
- Bias perceptions
- Experimental techniques
- Aguirre-Basualdo Award for the best management thesis in 2012 “Chancellerie de Paris”
- Diat-Mart Award for the best paper with managerial contribution (Etienne Thil conference, 2012) (with Bernard Pras and Denis Darpy) - Click here to watch the video (starting from 43:36): http://lille1tv.univ-lille1.fr/videos/video.aspx?id=2fbd521d-2c17-4e43-b964-62a60ec5a68b
- TV appearance: Nos achats sont-ils influencés par l'éclairage ? - La Quotidienne - France 5 - 8 février 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC8NBwF5-gU&feature=share
- Une étiquette, pour convaincre en un coup d’œil, 17 février 2017: Click here to read the article in Ouest France: http://www.ouest-france.fr/le-mag/vin/salon-des-vins-de-loire/vins-de-loire-une-etiquette-pour-convaincre-en-un-coup-d-oeil-4807257
- Loire Valley Wine Fair – Presentation: How to design your label in order to guide young consumers? (Gwenaëlle Briand-Decré and Gemma Davies) - 6 février 2017
- Avoir le nez au rétro…Comme un parfum de « c’était mieux avant »; click here to read the article in Anjou Eco: http://www.anjoueco.fr/rubrique-2434-Tendance-2017.html
- Our conference presentation in Hong Kong is in the news of the University of Phoenix: https://research.phoenix.edu/center-global-business-research/blog/48-hours-hong-kong
- Eda Sayin, Aradhna Krishna, Caroline Ardelet, Gwenaëlle Briand Decré, Alain Goudey (2015), “Sound and safe”: The effect of ambient sound on the perceived safety of public spaces”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, in press.
- Le marketing sensoriel : exhausteur de plaisir ou d’illusions ? click here to read the article in AnjouEco: http://www.anjoueco.fr/document-6853-2237-Le-marketing-sensoriel-exhausteur-de-plaisir-ou-d-illusions-.html
- A la recherche du magasin idéal, In Courrier de l’Ouest, April 27, 2013
- La lumière et la température influencent-elles nos achats? click here to read the article, March 21, 2013, page 7: ttps://issuu.com/universite.angers/docs/ua_mag_n_5_fevrier__version_web
- PhD in Management, University Paris-Dauphine, Paris (July, the 1st 2011)
- Master of Science in Marketing and Strategy, University Paris-Dauphine, Paris, 2006
- Master of Science in Management and Administration of Small Businesses, IAE, Nantes, 2004
- September 2012 to current: Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Angers
- Since June 2013: Head of Master’s Degree “International Negotiation and International business”
- September 2011- August 2012: Assistant Professor – ISG Paris, University Paris-Dauphine and University Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense
- September 2009- August 2011 : Marketing Assistant – University Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense
- September 2006- August 2009: Marketing Assistant – University Paris-Dauphine
- Mésange et Compagnie: du Lait Frais en Boulangerie: One of the preferred case study of CCMP (National Case studies center)
- consulting: Vinci Park (2009): Effect of lighting, scent and music on perception, evaluation and safety feeling in car park “Champs-Elysées”.
- · 2007 : «Structural equation modelling», University of Humboldt, Berlin, October 6th – 10th
- · 2008 : « Stochastic modelling », University of Vienna, Vienna, April 23th – 26th
- Courriel : gwenaelle.decrebriand @ univ-angers.fr
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Sciences de Gestion - Marketing
Thèmes de recherche
Dr. Gwenaëlle Briand-Decré is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Angers (France). She holds degrees from University Paris Dauphine (MS, Ph.D.). Her honors include the Aguirre- Basualdo Award of “Chancellerie de Paris” (2012) and Dia Mart award for the best paper with managerial contribution (Etienne Thil conference 2012). She is also an affiliate member of Professor Aradhna Krishna’s Sensory Marketing Laboratory at the University of Michigan.
Her most recent publications and studies have concerned sensory marketing in retail and virtual environment. Her areas of interest cover how the visual and haptic senses affect consumer perception of spaces, retailers, brands and products. She is currently working on consumer biases and how these biases influence packaging evaluation and purchase decision.
Research Project
AD Lux en collaboration avec l'école de Design Nantes Atlantiques: the main objective is to study the space design based on marketing management and design studies. (in progress)
Members: Gwenaelle Briand-Decré, Florent Orsoni and Hilda Zara
Funds: RFI OIC, Région Pays de la Loire, RFI en Pays de Loire
Click here for more information: https://webtv.univ-nantes.fr/fiche/8820/rfi-ouest-industries-creatives-3-projets-laureats-en-1ere-vague-de-l-appel-a-projets-recherche-2016
In the news!
The News Report, August 18, 2015
Big News Network, August 17, 2015
Business Standard, August 17, 2015
NDTV, August 17, 2015
The Free Press Journal, August 17, 2015
Zee News, August 17, 2015
NPR- Michigan Radio, August 13, 2015
The Atlantic- CITYLAB, July 31, 2015
Ross News, July 23, 2015
Academic Background
Dissertation thesis : “The interaction effect of lighting and temperature on consumer’s affective and behavioral reactions”
Research advisor :
Bernard PRAS (Université Paris-Dauphine and ESSEC Business School)
PhD Committee :
Timothy HEATH (ESSEC Business School, current academic position : University of South Florida),
Eric VERNETTE (IAE Toulouse),
Denis DARPY (Université Paris-Dauphine),
Sophie RIEUNIER (IAE Paris)
Academic positions
Case study
“Mésange et Compagnie: Du Lait Frais en Boulangerie” (2015)
Public: BA, MS or MBA Students
This case study aims at testing the ability of students to make decision while launching a new business.
The case study is based on information from an actual small business specialized in short distribution channel for farm products. During the launching period, Mesange and Company decided to pre-test its concept by selling some dairy products (only fresh milk) in bakeries.
Objectives: After analyzing marketing, managerial, accounting and legal information, students have to explain why they advise the founder to develop its concept or why he has to stop its business.
Publications in academic journals
Sayin E., Krishna A., Ardelet C., Briand Decré G. and Goudey A. (2015) “Sound and Safe”: The Effect of Ambient Sound on the Perceived Safety of Public Spaces”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, (HCERES 2015: A) Abstract: The amount of crime to which individuals are exposed on a daily basis is growing, resulting in increased anxiety about being alone in some public places. Fear of crime usually results in avoidance of places that are perceived to be unsafe, and such avoidance can have negative financial consequences. What can be done to reduce fear in relatively safe public places that are nevertheless perceived as being unsafe? In this paper, we explore the effect of auditory input (type of ambient sound) on perceived social presence and one’s feeling-of-safety in public spaces such as car parks and metro stations. In one field study and four laboratory studies, we demonstrate that different ambient sounds convey social presence to a different degree. When perceived social presence is higher and positive, the feeling-of-safety is also higher. Additionally, we show that an increase in perceived safety has a positive effect on consumers’ satisfaction with the public area and even raises their willingness to purchase a monthly membership card for the public area. Furthermore, the effect of ambient sound on such consumer responses is serially mediated by perceived social presence and feeling-of-safety.
BRIAND-DECRE G. et PRAS B. (2013) « Simulating in-store lighting and temperature with visual aids: methodological propositions and S-O-R effects », International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 23(4), 363-393. (AERES, 2011)
Abstract: Lighting and temperature are two important stimuli in sensory marketing. However, these stimuli have not yet been studied in controlled retail environments. The objective of this research is twofold: (1) to propose a methodology to infer the effect of different levels of lighting and temperature in a controlled environment with visual aids; (2) to test the impact of these simulated stimuli on environmental perceptions and behavioral intentions, following a S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response) model. This model postulates that stimuli should influence internal responses which in turn shall have an impact on behavioral responses. This research is based on the encoding and retrieval literature as well as the literature in physics, ergonomics and environmental psychology. In study 1, we manipulated lighting and temperature levels in digital photographic images, using relevant cues (illuminance and color temperature for lighting; clothing and activity level for temperature). A between-subjects design experiment was carried out over 387 respondents: two simulated levels of lighting (bright cool light and soft warm light) X two simulated levels of temperature (slightly warm temperature and slightly cool temperature) X three types of stores (jeans store, bookstore, furniture store). We found that, under these simulated conditions, the participants accurately perceived the differences of lighting and temperature levels, as we predicted. In study 2, the same photographs were used in a within-between subjects design over 110 participants and 330 observations. We tested the impact of these simulated stimuli on environmental perceptions (stimulating and relaxing) and behavioral intentions (intention to buy and intention to spend time in the store). Both a bright cool light and a slightly warm temperature had a stimulating effect on participants’ store perception. Under those conditions, participants also increased their intentions to buy and to spend time in the store. The stimulative perception mediates the relationship between: (1) lighting and both intention to spend time in the store and purchase intention; (2) temperature and intention to spend time in the store. These results confirm the benefit of using digitally manipulated stimuli with photographs in controlled environments.
BRIAND G. and PRAS B. (2010) “Lighting and perceived temperature: energy-saving levers to improve store evaluations?”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 37, eds. Margaret C. Campbell and Jeff Inman and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 312-318 (conference presentation in Pittsburgh, USA, 22-25 Octobre, 2009) (AERES 2010)
Abstract: Light intensity and thermal conditions have energy savings implications. Based on environmental psychology, ergonomics and in-store environment research, this study analyzes the direct and interaction effects of lighting and perceived temperature on store evaluations. Simulation of three real stores by pictures turns out to be relevant tool: Simulated light levels have been implemented by pictures retouched by a professional photographer and temperature levels by visual clues (winter versus summer clothes) .Three evaluative dimensions emerged from the factor analysis: stimulation, upmarket positioning and relaxation. A 2 x 2 x 3 experiment (lighting x perceived temperature x retail outlet) shows that lighting and its interaction with perceived temperature influence stimulation and upmarket positioning while perceived temperature has a single direct impact on stimulation. The type of retail outlet (jeans, books, and furniture) affects the three dimensions. Energy Savings implications are discussed.
Conference Presentations
BRIAND-DECRE G. and DAVIES G. (2016) “Les effets d’une image végétale sur l’étiquette sur la perception du vin par les jeunes consommateurs”, Colloque Territoires du Vin, ESA, Angers, France, 4-5 Février
CLOONAN C. and BRIAND-DECRE G. (2015), “The cross-modal effects of packaging glossiness on haptic perception”,Advances in Consumer Research, Asia Pacific Conference,Hong Kong, China, June 19-21
SAYIN E., KRISHNA A., ARDELET C., BRIAND DECRE G. et GOUDEY A. (2014), “Sound and Safe”: the effect of ambient sound on perceived safety of public spaces”, Special Session: “More than Music: Sound and Sonic elements in consumer psychology”, Advances in Consumer Research, North American Conference, Baltimore, USA, 23-26 octobre
BRIAND DECRE G., CLOONAN C. et ZOGHAIB A. (2013), “It sounds good! The impact of packaging sound onthe perception of packaging material and product evaluation”, The 42nd EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 juin
BRIAND DECRE G., DARPY D. et PRAS B. (2012) « Le lien entre stimulation sensorielle, sensation thermique et comportement de fuite au sein du point de vente : Une application des lois de Fechner et de Stevens », 15ème Colloque Etienne Thil, Lille, France, 29-30 Novembre
BRIAND DECRE G. et PRAS B. (2012)« Ligthing and consumer behavioral intentions: The mediating role of perceived stimulation »,the 41th EMAC conference, Poster session, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-25 mai
ARDELET MASSIEU C. et BRIAND DECRE G. (2010)« Ambient cues’ congruency is not always necessary when some senses take precedence over the others », The 39th EMAC conference, Poster session, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-4 Juin
ARDELET MASSIEU C., BRIAND DECRE G. et ZOGHAIB A. (2010)« Besoin d’être stimulé? Le rôle de l’association symbolique dans l’évaluation de l’environnement »,XXVIème congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, Le Mans, France, 6-7 Mai 2010
BRIAND G. et PRAS B. (2009) « Lighting and temperature: Levers to improve store environment perception and stores evaluation? », Academy of Marketing Conference, Leeds, England, July 7-9
ROYER I. and BRIAND G. (2008) “Champions pour le meilleur et pour le pire : propositions de résolution duparadoxe entre les littératures sur le champion et sur l’escalade de l’engagement”, XVIIème ConférenceInternationale de Management Stratégique de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Nice- Sophia Antipolis, France, May 28th-31st
Book chapters
BRIAND DECRE G., DARPY D. et PRAS B. “Le lien entre stimulation sensorielle, sensation thermique et comportement de fuite au sein du point de vente : Une application des lois de Fechner et de Stevens”, in Recherches sur la Distribution, Les canaux de distribution et les nouvelles technologies, Management et prospective d’ EMS (2013)
As research assistant
Updating of chapter 1 of « Market »: Examples and Epistemological inserts, 4th edition (Y. Evrard, B. Pras, E. Roux), Dunod, Paris, France (2008)
Doctoral Colloquium and Seminars
Doctoral colloquium : 2008: 8th AFM doctoral Colloquium, Nogent-sur-Marne, May 13th -14th
Doctoral seminars (Université Paris-Dauphine – University of Humbolt (Berlin) and University of Vienna) :