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Franck Rexand-Galais

    • UFR Lettres Langues et Sciences Humaines - LLSH
    • Départements d'Enseignement LLSH - DEP ENS LLSH Psychologie
    • 11 Boulevard de Lavoisier - 49045 - ANGERS CEDEX 01
    • MRGT 210

    Afficher UFR de Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines sur une carte plus grande


    Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology

    Thèmes de recherche

    My research mainly focuses on the question of psychic modifications linked to aging. I am particularly interested in the narcissistic question in development and a part of my research can legitimately be designated under the title "narcissism and aging". In this orientation, the question of psychotherapeutic adjustments holds my attention and the links between narcissistic pathologies and borderline disorders occupy part of my explorations.

    In parallel with this interest, I have been conducting health research for several years around questions centered on psychic modifications linked to pain and illness, particularly in connection with cancer and serious illness.

    Faced with these two main areas, my interest in the issue of the health of the youngest could appear secondary. It is not so. I have carried out numerous researches in the field of student health and mobilized around them the concepts that I work with more subjects in order to produce new insights.

    Keywords: Aging - Narcissism - Psychotherapy - Borderline Disorders - Cancer


    Brief Bio : 

    Franck Rexand-Galais is PhD in Clinical Psychology (University of Paris 7, France / Supervisor: Professor Jean Laplanche, 1997). He is a Senior Lecturer of Clinical Psychology at the University of Angers (France).  He is also a Senior Researcher (Research Laboratory: BEPSYLAB, University of Angers). 

    From 1997 to 2008, he was an Associate Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer at Paris Descartes University (France). 

    Bio and complete Affiliations:


    All publications and activities (2015-2020) in French and English : There

  • Courriel : franck.rexand-galais @
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